Friday, August 8, 2014

Are you my Gym Teacher?

One of the best, yet weirdest things about taking the same train everyday is the same people you always see.

Some of these people also wear the exact same thing everyday. Well, maybe not the EXACT same clothes as the day before, but the same style or type of clothes.

My latest fascination with this, is a man who commutes into DC daily, and wears: jogging pants, a t-shirt and sneakers. Now, I have no issue with this, but on a train filled with politicos, lawyers, top executives and federal workers, you tend to see a lot of business casual going on. 

So, today, I ponder this question (and kinda want to ask him):

"Are you a gym teacher?"

Because, in all reality, why else would someone wear an outfit like this each and everyday to commute into downtown Washington. Again, no judgement - I am actually kind of jealous. 

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