Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's double-layer time!

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that it was really cold out. Well, guess is again. And, according to the forecasts, it appears it will be a VERY, LONG winter. 

Since I stand outside sometimes for longer-ish periods of time as a public transit commuter, I'm going to have to get saavy with my wardrobe choices. I just (in the last hour), at the request of my mother, sent my Christmas list along and got creative with "Gloves that extend above the wrists" since sometimes there is bare skin that peeks out between my coat and short-wristed gloves. Brrrr!

Today, I'm wearing a dress, so this is what I did to keep my legs warm:

Yup - those are running pants over my tights. Super stylish.

Needless to say, I was warmer than the ladies I saw, with their bare knees exposed to this frozen tundra we got going on in most of the continental United States this week.

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