Tuesday, October 21, 2014

These boots were NOT made for walking

I've become that girl. Or perhaps I should say woman. The woman my 21-year old self said I would never be. That young, throw-caution-and-severe-foot-pain-to-the-wind, kind of girl. 

Yes, I started the day thinking I could walk the "short" walk to the Metro from the commuter and Amtrak train platforms at Union Station in my very nice (and cute!) boots that went perfectly with my dressy outfit for the day. It's Fall. I'm a girl. We wear boots. And, I like to coordinate most of the time when I leave the house. 

But alas, the feet, they burned. Oh, did they burn after what normally doesn't seem like such a long walk...it felt like a mile in these boots! So my return journey to make my train was made in the ever-practical sneakers. The sneakers I saw the practical women nearly a decade ago commuting to and from DC on the train and swore I would NEVER do that. 

But, below is photo evidence that this happened, but unlikely to happen again for awhile...that's what cute black ballet flats are for. 

They kinda matched my outfit at least. 

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