Thursday, April 9, 2015

Not my fault

You know what's not my fault? You not getting up when the doors open at a Metro station you need to get off at and it's rush hour. You waiting 5-10 seconds AFTER the doors open and then trying to push your way through all the people trying to board the train at a busy platform is not my fault. It's DEFINITELY not my fault that I saw you coming, turned around to see if I could step back on the platform to give you room and all I see is a sea of people rushing towards the interior of the Metro car. Eventually I am able to clear room to get back on the platform, out of the Metro car, so you may exit. Also, not my fault. But you felt it necessary to yell, in a not-so-nice tone, "EXCUSE ME!" like it WAS my fault.

I'll chock it up to a bad morning for you. Even a bad week perhaps. So, I'll forgive you for placing undue blame on me, the simple Local-motive Girl just trying to get to work on a Thursday.

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