Friday, August 26, 2016

She moves in mysterious ways, and very, very slowly...

So, again, my apologies for not posting anything since April. It's been crazy in my personal and professional life, so even though ideas percolate for a post or two, I don't always get the chance to jot them down, but I'm finally taking a half hour to get something out there for you faithful readers (again, thanks, Mom!).

For starters, I have a quick update in terms of my personal life, which relates to part of this post, buuuuuuut...I'm about six weeks away from popping out a child! Yup, you read that correct -- I'm very much preggers. 

Haven't tried this yet, but I have no plans tonight...

Just a funny lady dancing with her belly.

This impacts my commute greatly the further along I get in gestation. I'm finding it harder and harder to walk quickly to catch my train in the normal 15 minutes I used to allow myself when leaving work in the evening. Now, I leave 40 minutes before the train leaves and take bathroom breaks on either end. Oh, the joys...

I'm also starting to notice how many more people are willing to give up their seat for me on the Metro. I wrote about this once and how I only thought the seats in the middle of the train with signage were for the disabled (or one might say, "very pregnant lady with swollen ankles"), but I'm getting offers for seats all over the train almost daily -- mostly from other women. I've gotten one or two males chivalrously willing to give up their seats, but I only take someone up on it if I'm on the train for more than a few stops. Since I typically only go one stop, I usually say "No thank you" -- it's easier than sitting down and getting back up in the short time I'm actually riding the Metro. (All that extra weight on your hips makes it hard to sit too -- oy!)

I have to admit this pregnancy has been fairly easy and uneventful beyond the normal swollen-ness that tends to be exacerbated with the July/August humidity in Washington, DC. I'm ready to be done with the whole carting around this extra 30 pounds or so and hold that cute squishy baby every day. But alas, the kid still has to cook a bit longer.

In other news, I have also ridden the Metro three times with the WMATA General Manager, Paul Wiedefeld. When I say "ridden", I do mean, like standing right next to the dude on the Metro car and getting off at Union Station together. The first time he got off at the station, I thought "Oh, he must have a meeting here or something." The second time, I watched where he went (no, I'm not a stalker...) and he actually takes the MARC train too -- to somewhere near Baltimore, but alas -- TRAIN BUDDIES! 

So, I give the guy some credit, he actually takes the Metro to and from work, and beyond that, invests himself in other modes of public transit! As much as the Metro sucks these days, I have faith that he'll get the job done and we'll once again not have to wait 12-18 minutes for a train during this hell he's created called SAFE TRACK. Oh, I guess I haven't had to mention that before since it started in June and it's been...well, it's been less than pleasant, but completely necessary. I'm just more ticked off about the timing of all this paired with the condition I'm currently in.

Anyway, I'm rambling. It's also Friday, so here's a cute puppy for both #nationaldogday and the fact that I'm soooooo jealous of this dog right now. 

This would be the life for me today.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Updates galore!

My apologies for not writing ANYTHING for almost a year. A lot has happened in that year, but one thing is still the same...I'm still commuting. On a train. So, I will continue this blog as long as I feel motivated and inspired by my 2.5 hour commute each day. Woo!

Some updates since the last post regarding the state of the Washington transit systems that I wanted to be sure was brought up since, you know, posts haven't happened in 8 months.

Two of these are my favorite that WMATA announced since the new General Manager started at the end of 2015:

1) A GRACE PERIOD WILL START IN JULY! Yes, you heard me. All my complaints about paying Metro fare only to have to turn around and walk back out, $2.15 poorer when there are issues and delays have paid off. This might be one of the smartest moves the new GM has made since starting and if nothing else, will pay off in good PR for the ever failing system.

Yes, this news makes me wanna dance! Go Jimmy, Go Elmo!

2) PLATFORM SIGNS WILL ENCOURAGE PEOPLE NOT TO RUN LIKE IDIOTS. Well, no, they will still run like idiots most likely, but at least they will know how far they need to run to catch a 6-car train at the busiest stations. I've seen one at Union Station and I'm sure they are at others, but even still, why they didn't think to do this earlier, I'll never know. Now, why they still choose to even run the 6-car trains, that I'd like to know. ALL the trains should have 8-cars. Period. (Especially during rush hour.) 

Run, Batman, Run. Don't leave Robin behind at Ballston.

Now, for the not-so good updates. WMATA has had all sorts of issues since last year and it's only gotten worse. This article in itself is a good summary to show the sort of boondoggle WMATA had years ago and did nothing about, hence the issues we are dealing with in 2016. You know when they threaten to shut down entire lines in the system, and actually do shut down the entire system for a day for safety checks, ish has gotten real bad. So, on that note, happy 40th birthday WMATA, may you hopefully begin to age just as gracefully as some of your transit siblings to the north and the west

Oh, I didn't even mention the MARC train. Thankfully things have been going alright on the good 'ol commuter rail, so ::knock on wood:: hopefully it continues into the summer and makes my life easier as things in it start to get more exciting and complicated. (I'll mention that in a future post, I'm sure).

Also, I did travel a bit since my last post and have experienced some more transit systems across the country, including New Orleans and Las Vegas. We also went to Chicago, so my husband got to experience the "L" Train for the first time. This summer we plan to visit Nantucket, and so, there will be ferry rides! (Aside from a very good friend having family up there and inviting us, I'm so excited to visit the location of one of my favorite TV shows ever. Yes, I'm a loser, but I don't care.) So, yay for experiencing transit in all sorts of different places!

For now, I bid you adieu and leave you with this. Just because, well if you aren't aware of American politics at this juncture, well, these* can catch you up:

Always with the side eye, Bern.

"I dunno where Bill is."
Neither do we, Hill. Neither do we.

This. This might have made me blind.

*By posting these GIFS, the writer is not endorsing any specific candidate, just making fun of them all. 
The writer has also intentionally forgotten about the other two candidates still in the race. Whoops.