First encounter: I have to preface this instance with describing the seats on the train. Throughout the new trains there are a handful of seats that face each other. See my lovely computer skills below with the diagram.
I was headed home on a Friday and after the week I had had, I decided to sit in the Quiet Car. I was perfectly content in a group of seats like the ones above, by myself, until someone joined me. That's cool. I was sitting in the lower right seat and she was in the upper left (or, I was in the southeast corner and she was in the northwest). Soon, another woman came along and decided she would sit in the northeast corner of the configuration by the window like me. She had a pull-along suitcase and decided to place it on the seat next to me which was along the aisle (the southwest seat, or the lower left). I didn't mind this too terribly much, but I do think it a bit presumptuous for her to assume her bag gets an entire seat to itself. I may not have a pull-along, but I carry a few bags each day and I always remove them from the seat if I see people coming towards me to sit next to me, or if the train is crowded. Never does my stuff get treated as precious cargo, or like a human. I understand that the suitcase may not fit under the seat or be conducive to put in front of her feet since I was sitting across from her, but nevertheless, I feel it is a bit rude to do this. So anyway, we move on and the train leaves DC.
Which leads me to my second encounter that day: The girl who was sitting in the northwest seat had been reading most of the first 15-20 minutes of the trip and then it happened. The really rude thing that I've witnessed before and that the MARC train even has signs to state you shouldn't do this: SHE PUT HER FEET UP ON THE SEAT ACROSS FROM HER (the southwest one). The one that the other lady's suitcase was on. And she kept them up there for the entire ride until I got off at Germantown. Really?! Like, this is NOT your living room. And if I had taken a picture and Instagram-ed it, that would have been my hashtag for it. #notyourlivingroom
So by the time I was driving home, I was just thankful it was the weekend. I have since started riding in the Quiet Car on the way home when I take that particular train (lots of happy hours happen in the other cars!), but I haven't encountered either of these ladies again. Thank goodness.
This brings me to the third encounter: I've seen this young lady before, but this time I got photo proof of how far rudeness can extend:
Like, really? This is not your bedroom at home. You must nap like all the rest of us sad commuters and get a kink in your neck from all the head bobbing that occurs when sleeping sitting up. Pshaw.
Still, in other news, this became fodder the other month and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. When in DC, YOU STAND ON THE RIGHT, WALK ON THE LEFT. Keep it moving, people!
Until next time...which will probably be tomorrow or later this week as I have some news...!
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