Tuesday, September 2, 2014

She's got a ticket to ride...

I wonder how many times I'll use that title in future posts...

Anyway, a quick update and a great "Score!" moment today, on this day after a 4-day holiday weekend (yes, I took Friday off). 

I took the Metro today -- was planning to since I need to stay in the city longer this evening. Love getting the update via my phone as I sit in 270 southbound traffic that because the MARC is delayed more than 20 minutes that the Metro will honor MARC ticket holders! 

Love you J-Law - don't let those hackers get you down.

Score!! that means a free Metro ride for me this morning and not standing in the line to go through the turn stalls -- loved flashing my ticket to a WMATA worker and walking through the emergency exit while all the other suckas paid. 

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