Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 is almost upon us...

So, as has happened many times before, I have nothing to complain or wax on about in terms of my transit woes. The only thing of note to share is apparently the man who felt the need to refer to my (and any female's) upper extremities as T**ts, is retiring. I heard all about it yesterday on my commute home. Man, does he like to talk. And, loudly! So, yay, good riddance "I heart boobies" man. 

Now, onto the real reason I'm posting...HAPPY NEW YEAR. It's been a fun one in 2014 starting this blog, and I hope to continue with many more this next year. 

Michelle Tanner is bonkers. This is my ideal NYE.

And, just so you know, my dog is totes adorbs and worth every midnight smooch I have to give. Well, I'll save one or two for my hubs. Please see evidence below. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A new fad?

So a few months ago, I watched this video online about a man who raced the Tube in London. I thought it was super fun and interesting as both a commuter and a runner (although I don't think I could do it). 

Well, it's gone local, folks. Someone just did it here in DC to celebrate a birthday. Sucks to be born in December and do this, but still...nice job!

Given delays, Metro cards demagnetizing, time of day, etc. I would think you'd have to prep for this pretty well and plan your course, as well as be in good shape. Or else this might happen:

Terrible, I know, but totally true.

And, people will comment as you're running by.

Or, if you're like me, get distracted, or lost, and end up just doing this the whole way.

Monday, December 22, 2014

And to all a good night...

So it appears most people have made their exodus out of the Nation's Capital for the Christmas holiday. This is what Union Station felt like this morning during the normal commute:

Typically, there are way more tumbleweeds there when I pass through around 8:15am:

Or, it's kinda like this...

No matter what, I hope everyone has the happiest of holiday seasons this year, and you get to enjoy a lot of festive relaxing. 

And, Santa brings you everything you asked for.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Hangin' in the 'Bus

Sorry, I've been MIA since before Thanksgiving -- it's been a crazy couple of weeks in my world, which included a few travel snafus, but nothing too crazy to warrant a post in itself. 

Last week, the week back to work after the holiday consisted of, transit-wise: sitting next to people with terrible coffee breath, watching people pick their nose on the Metro and wondering, "Do they realize they are in the open public?", having a delayed train out of Union Station for more than 45 minutes one afternoon, and enjoyed two car-free days (pretty much): one day when my husband and I got to commute together or another, where we were meeting up later in the day to grab dinner and headed home straight afterwards, so we rode together again. 

I guess it's actually a good thing when I don't have eventful or crazy commutes and have nothing to blog about. So, yay for me, but sorry for you three (!) faithful readers.

I can also post that my husband and I recently traveled to Columbus, Ohio to see a Buckeye game at my Alma Mater and that we utilized the very inexpensive shuttle that was literally across the street from the hotel where we stayed and didn't have to worry about parking our car on the very large and very busy campus of The Ohio State University. Woot! Score 1 more for having a car-free experience. Seriously though, if you ever travel there for a football game, that's the way to go and it was this hotel (which was awesome!).

Speaking of Columbus: they apparently are targeting the very young and transient population of Washington, D.C. to come to their fair and much underrated city also known as "The Biggest Small Town in America", or as I (and many others) like to affectionately call it: Cbus. Saw this ad at the Union Station metro stop the other day and had to capture it for my Ohioan friends! Serious, it is a great city if you've never been.