Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 is almost upon us...

So, as has happened many times before, I have nothing to complain or wax on about in terms of my transit woes. The only thing of note to share is apparently the man who felt the need to refer to my (and any female's) upper extremities as T**ts, is retiring. I heard all about it yesterday on my commute home. Man, does he like to talk. And, loudly! So, yay, good riddance "I heart boobies" man. 

Now, onto the real reason I'm posting...HAPPY NEW YEAR. It's been a fun one in 2014 starting this blog, and I hope to continue with many more this next year. 

Michelle Tanner is bonkers. This is my ideal NYE.

And, just so you know, my dog is totes adorbs and worth every midnight smooch I have to give. Well, I'll save one or two for my hubs. Please see evidence below. 

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