Saturday, December 27, 2014

A new fad?

So a few months ago, I watched this video online about a man who raced the Tube in London. I thought it was super fun and interesting as both a commuter and a runner (although I don't think I could do it). 

Well, it's gone local, folks. Someone just did it here in DC to celebrate a birthday. Sucks to be born in December and do this, but still...nice job!

Given delays, Metro cards demagnetizing, time of day, etc. I would think you'd have to prep for this pretty well and plan your course, as well as be in good shape. Or else this might happen:

Terrible, I know, but totally true.

And, people will comment as you're running by.

Or, if you're like me, get distracted, or lost, and end up just doing this the whole way.

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