Thursday, January 15, 2015

An Etiquette Lesson

Preach, Emma.

Is chivalry dead? Apparently not on the Metro. While I understand and truly appreciate the concept and act of being polite, especially in the male species, there are times and places where being overtly polite it will actually annoy more people than it really should.

Case in point: Mr. Gentleman in your dapper hat and long coat -- you totally should always let women lead out of or into an entry way, elevator, intersection, etc., but when it comes to morning rush hour on the Metro and people are just trying to get to where they are going, and crowding around the Metro doors, you doing the awkward-"Please, you first."-dance with the woman next to you, it's just irking people behind you trying to also exit the train. 

Again, I'm not saying anything about being polite in every other instance -- believe me that goes a long way for me -- but when there are chances of you being stampeded, I just would err on the side of not being rude, versus chivalrous. 

RIP Robin Williams.

In other news, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream sent me an e-mail with this image in it this morning. 
She's just being mean, while I'm doing the carb-free, clean eating thing for the month of January, isn't she?! Uggggh.

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