Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bad commuter, Bad!

So, as a commuter, usually I'm super good about being prepared before I leave the house each morning with what I might need for the day, umbrella, boots, hood, coat, gloves, etc. But I'm also careful to not have to cart everything with me if I don't need to. That just causes undue shoulder pain, lugging all that around in my bag.

Yesterday they were calling for rain in the evening, so I packed my umbrella as a smart commuter would, but I do remember thinking to myself, before I left the house: Should I wear my rubber boots? 

Alas, I didn't. I walked out of the house in my flimsy little black flats I wear 4 days out of 5 and boy, did I regret it. When I left work yesterday afternoon to head to my board meeting, it was raining, but not too terribly hard. Well, it was not falling hard from the sky, but the wetness already on the sidewalk soaked straight through my shoes, into my socks and I was miserable the rest of the night. Ick. Nothing is worse than wet socks. Well, there might be a few things, but that's close to the top of my list.

Needless to say, going forward, I'll answer 'YES' to my hypothetical questions when I leave the house each morning. I'm pretty sure I ruined my shoes and I'm lucky I didn't wake up all snuffly and sickly this morning.

Poor, sad, little commuter. You gots your feet all wet.

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