Friday, February 20, 2015

Brr, Brr, Brring it on, Spring!

So, unless you've been living in a ice-encrusted igloo somewhere on one of the Poles and have no access to electricity, you may not be aware that the entire continental US has entered into the end of days with the polar vortex of 2015. 

My thoughts on this today, the coldest day I've experienced by far in my 30+ years of life (and was record breaking in DC), when my car read 1 degree this morning when I got in at 6:15am and didn't rise much above that after the sun came up:

-It's really cold and yes we're going to complain about it until the cows come home. I live in the mid-Atlantic, not Canada, not Boston, not Chiberia, so when I complain, it's because WE ARE NOT LIVING IN THOSE CITIES, therefore SHOULDN'T HAVE my eyes water and immediately freeze when stepping outside. Ok, end rant. (PS - I have to admit that I do like to give our family in Florida a hard time when they complain it's cold outside when it's 40 or 50 degrees. You wish.)
Never moving to Chicago -- sorry, Grandipants.

-Despite my complaining, I'm very thankful for a warm home, car, and workplace to relish in 23.5 hours of the day during these crazy-town temperatures.
Smart little creature.

Wish I had one of these, but the vents in my ceiling work just as well.

-There are some nutbags (and by nutbags, I mean LADIES) walking around with skirts, AND NO TIGHTS ON in this weather (I've blogged about this before). Now, I saw one woman with knee socks on, but still, that's a lot of thin layering going on between the knee and the waist...more than I can handle on a 50 degree day, honestly. Brave women. Stupid women, but brave. 
There's no shame in that, Joey.

-Commuting sucks in this weather. This might be the only time of year I wish I drove to work and only had to be outside for about 10 minutes of my day, versus waiting for a bus or a train for 5-10 minutes each time. On that same regard, waiting in The Line also blows in a climate like this. I really wanted to yell at some people when they cut in line today, but my lungs hurt too much from the cold to attempt to. 
I do feel for our furry friends during this cold. Their poor wittle feet. :(

-Finally, I'm going to have to invest in a few massages come spring because I find myself lifting my shoulders in a shrug-like position and HOLDING them there when it's this cold. Almost like I'm trying to keep my ears and neck warm with my bony shoulders. I'm a weirdo. 
I'm permanently stuck like this, December thru March.

Alright, enough complaining, but good news is, only 1 month until Spring officially comes back to taunt us, sticking around for maybe 45 days before it's seeping hot in DC once more. Yay. 

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