Friday, February 13, 2015

Bad Luck Friday (and Thursday)

So, WMATA/Metro is on my list. Thanks to a 12 minute wait, ON THE TRAIN at Judiciary Square (across from my work, where I catch the Metro each day) last night, I missed my 5:40 MARC train out of Union Station (as did a lot of other people). The next one wasn't until 6:20, overcrowded and getting me home at 7:15pm, when I usually leave work at 10 until 5pm. Gah. 

My annoyance at last night's issues.

Then this morning, you lovely public transit system, I arrive at a crowded Metro platform at Union Station once I got off the MARC train, to find it filled with people, anxiously awaiting a train on the Shady Grove bound side...the direction I want to go. 

My thoughts exactly, Liz Lemon.

A train pulls up and is stuffed to the gills with people. Your ever so communicative train operator says "Please do not try and get on this train if there is no room. There is a train directly behind this one. I repeat, there is a train directly behind this one." So, I wait. With bated breath. 

Pardon my French, train conductor, but directly behind you, my rear-end?! I stood for another 15 minutes to wait for that train, supposedly coming directly behind you. Blarg. 

Preach, Amy.

The platform continues to fill with people and FINALLY a miraculous sight appears: an utterly empty Metro train. We all rejoice and I still made it to work by 8:45am (with a stop off at CVS to buy Valentine candy for my wonderful co-workers). 

Thankfully my mood improved after that and even though I missed two opportunities this week to use my monthly MARC train ticket to ride Metro for free, it's finally Friday, albeit the 13th, and Valentine's Day tomorrow. Who doesn't love spreading a bit of love around on a globally concluded unlucky day of the year?! Happy V-Day, y'all!

I plan to.

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