Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So this week, a video of two women in Indiana has been all over the news and how they ALMOST GOT HIT BY A FREAKIN' TRAIN. I'll say, if you believe in an almighty God, or some-sort of higher power, you better believe these oh-so-smart women had someone up there on their side that day. 

That being said, each and every day, if I have a choice, I ALWAYS walk over a bridge or through a tunnel to cross the tracks for my commute. There have been a few times when I have to cross the actual tracks on foot and youbetterbelieve I am looking both ways at least twice and hauling tail (but not running, since that can lead to trippage...see paragraph below) to get across ASAP. 

I have seen on more than one occasion, people idiotically (when they have a choice to cross the tracks via bridge or tunnel) run across the tracks right before a FREIGHT TRAIN goes by, or even once, when a woman fell at the Rockville station, splayed across the tracks, AS THE TRAIN WAS PULLING INTO THE STATION. That one made me sweat, but someone thankfully helped her up in time.

Needless to say, I'd rather miss my train than to play chicken with anything that can squash me going 35mph. The women in the video above deserve every charge against them -- they're lucky to be alive. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Friday?

In the spirit of Jimmy Fallon's Thank You notes, this is my post today:

Thank you, suspicious package at Union Station, for suspending all rail service into the station this morning. This was my reaction when I read my e-mail on the moving train, that had been sent 20 minutes prior.

And thank you MARC train conductor for telling us as we arrive in Rockville that the suspicious package is no longer an issue and trains will be able to get into Union Station, you're just not sure when...

So, hence me getting off the train to get to the Metro:

You know it's bad if Metro will serve you better than MARC. 

Hey, at least it was a free ride! HAPPY FRIDAY!?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

One missed connection...

Makes all the difference.

Last Friday, I had left work an hour or so early and had an errand to run in Logan Circle. As I walked into the Metro station, these were the thoughts in my head:

"Do I need to put money on my card? The next train is in 3 minutes. I have time. No, wait, I have plenty of money on my card, at least enough to get me to Farragut. Oh, $&*%, there's a train there now I could get on. The next one comes in 2 minutes now. I'll wait."

Stupidest decision ever. 

I catch the next train and go the 7 minute ride to Farragut North. I walk the 13 minutes to Logan Circle at 14th Street, run my errand. It takes about 15 minutes. I walk back to the Farragut North station. All the while, while I'm walking, my feet are burning. I'm wearing new-ish flats, but I they've broken in enough that they aren't rubbing on my heels anymore. But for some reason the bottom of my feet are literally burning. So that slows down my pace. 

At this point, I make the decision to continue onto Shady Grove, vs. taking the 10 minute ride back in the opposite direction to Union Station. That would just be back tracking.

I check, the train I need to catch in Rockville, I think, is at 5:39. It's just after 5pm as I get on the Metro at Farragut. I'm definitely going to cut it close. I realize after I get on the train and the doors close that I'm on a Grosvenor/Strathmore train. This means I have to get off and wait for the next train at Strathmore. At the station, we thankfully only have to wait 2 minutes for the next train. It is currently 5:35-ish. I'm's a loss. I'll never go 3 stops, and cross over to the MARC platform from the Metro, in the next 5 minutes.

Then I double-check -- the train doesn't leave until 5:49 -- I'm saved!! I have the time. It will still be close and I can get there in 10 minutes. I will have to run, but by golly, I can do this. 

As the train lets people off at Twinbrook, one stop away from Rockville, I see the MARC train whiz by. Gaaaah! My heart races. I still have at least 3 minutes until the train leaves. 

We pull up at Rockville and I sprint out the Metro car to the escalator. I try not to mow too many people over, but as I get onto the escalator, I move to the left, only to get slowed down by a completely average person, going a completely average pace.


As soon as I get past her at the bottom of the escalator, I sprint and, admittedly, rudely, cut in front of a gentleman at the turn stalls. And of course, wouldn't my SmarTrip card pick that moment not to be recognized by the reader. Gah.

I finally make it through and I hear people say "Look out!". The train whistle blows, so I haul my big butt up the stairs two at a time, see two people on the platform telling the guy "One more!" and as I reach the top of the stairs, the train is moving, the conductor is shaking his head and giving me the "Oh, so sorry" look. 

Alas, I am out of breath, and now have to wait 21 minutes for the next one. I thank the kind people who tried to get the train to wait, and then I sit. I do my crossword and thankfully it's just my my husband having to wait a bit longer at the restaurant and he kindly asks me if I want a beer when I arrive. 

That, my friends makes the burning feet and all the out-of-breath-ness worth it. Next time though, I'll run for the first train to not have to run for all the rest. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Close encounters

I've had a few encounters in recent days that I wanted to share and one in-depth story, but that one will have to wait.

For now, these "close encounters of the transit-kind":

1) audibly burping while sitting next to someone and not at least acting embarrassed or saying "excuse me" is not cute. At all. **Bad encounter. 

2) sometimes we share crossword puzzle answers amongst our fellow passengers and by sometimes I mean never. **Shouldn't be an encounter. 

3) running to catch the Metro just before the car door closes is a win! It's an even bigger win if the people you shove into by accident and will now crowd for the rest of your ride help you out and make sure you aren't blocking the door from shutting. And they even ask if you're OK.  **What good citizens I encountered in this respect. 

My in-depth post has to do with my Friday afternoon and how missing one connection can impact the entire rest of your commute home for the weekend. Oy. Coming soon...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dream job

I once admitted to my fairly new-ish co-workers that I thought it'd be a fun profession to be a train driver. Either underground on the Metro or an above ground commuter rail conductor.

They didn't agree.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nap time

I dozed off on the train today. The lady next to me looked at me funny when I awoke. 

Perhaps I was snoring or it is not socially acceptable to her to see my head bob. 

Either way, overheard when I woke up: someone behind me talking a bit too openly about their trip to the dentist and how white they think their teeth are. 

Never a dull moment...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A memo...

Dear tourists: 

It is advisable for you to not stand 20 large in the breezeway between the escalators and the turn stalls at Union Station during the evening rush. Myself and about 200 other daily commuters will plow you down. 

In most sincerity,

Holding Court

So, I've realized there are people who ride the train who like the center of attention (even in the morning, grr) and almost "hold court" on a regular basis. Today I came up with this concept and now I shall aptly call them "Judges". They are usually loud and boisterous personalities. Sometimes they are nice. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes they have fun conversations I want to join in on -- wahoo, TV and movies! 

Many times what they are speaking of is really dumb and I want to correct them. Often times, since we live and work in and around our Nation's Capital, it is political conversation (which I will NOT let this blog become), but I find it funny -- both ironically and "haha" -- they are usually conservatively waxing about being taxed too much, yet here they are riding a relatively inexpensive form of public transit. Hmmm.

Anyway, these are interesting people to behold and I'm sure I'll have more specifics, but from here on out, they shall be referred to as the Judges. ::Gavel slam::

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Beginning

I'm often posting on my Facebook page or telling people funny stories of my commute to and from work in Washington, DC. As I work on this blog, I'll explain more about my decision in going from a 50-mile a day car commuter down one of the worst highways in the region, to an (on average) hour-long trip (door to door) on a commuter train/metrorail where I can sleep, read, play on my phone or just look out the window (if I'm lucky enough to get a seat on the inside). 

People keep saying, "You should write a book!" So, in this, the modern day of 2014, I decided instead to start a blog. I'll have to go back to my Facebook page to find some of the snarky quips of the very rude, or funny people I've encountered in the past 2 years I've been a full-time public transit commuter to help theme some posts. Sometimes, there are even warm moments of humanity and humbleness that I witness from time to time. But alas, I'll also treat this as a journal, recounting my journey as we go along, on this journey together! (ha!)

Today, Monday, was my first day riding the MARC train since early last week. I had several work and outside of work commitments that made me have to ride on the Metro system instead. There are advantages to taking the MARC, but one main disadvantage in that the last train to my neck of the woods leaves Union Station at 7:25pm -- doesn't exactly work for the development professional who has to attend after-hours work events. Either way, today was a nice reprieve from the more crowded Red Line on the Metro and the only bad part was I forgot the fun red umbrella that says "Keep Dry and Carry On" that I bought in London on my honeymoon in the seat, where I had been sitting on the way home this evening. Le sigh. 

Anyway, here's to anyone who'll read this and give me a shot. I'll try to keep posts from being too long or too boring and I'll vary them up from time to time - fun pictures! maybe some cute dog photos or baking recipes too. Either way, please enjoy and know that I'm not behind the wheel each day, raising my blood pressure and most likely yelling at people in cars on I-270