Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Close encounters

I've had a few encounters in recent days that I wanted to share and one in-depth story, but that one will have to wait.

For now, these "close encounters of the transit-kind":

1) audibly burping while sitting next to someone and not at least acting embarrassed or saying "excuse me" is not cute. At all. **Bad encounter. 

2) sometimes we share crossword puzzle answers amongst our fellow passengers and by sometimes I mean never. **Shouldn't be an encounter. 

3) running to catch the Metro just before the car door closes is a win! It's an even bigger win if the people you shove into by accident and will now crowd for the rest of your ride help you out and make sure you aren't blocking the door from shutting. And they even ask if you're OK.  **What good citizens I encountered in this respect. 

My in-depth post has to do with my Friday afternoon and how missing one connection can impact the entire rest of your commute home for the weekend. Oy. Coming soon...

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