Monday, July 14, 2014

The Beginning

I'm often posting on my Facebook page or telling people funny stories of my commute to and from work in Washington, DC. As I work on this blog, I'll explain more about my decision in going from a 50-mile a day car commuter down one of the worst highways in the region, to an (on average) hour-long trip (door to door) on a commuter train/metrorail where I can sleep, read, play on my phone or just look out the window (if I'm lucky enough to get a seat on the inside). 

People keep saying, "You should write a book!" So, in this, the modern day of 2014, I decided instead to start a blog. I'll have to go back to my Facebook page to find some of the snarky quips of the very rude, or funny people I've encountered in the past 2 years I've been a full-time public transit commuter to help theme some posts. Sometimes, there are even warm moments of humanity and humbleness that I witness from time to time. But alas, I'll also treat this as a journal, recounting my journey as we go along, on this journey together! (ha!)

Today, Monday, was my first day riding the MARC train since early last week. I had several work and outside of work commitments that made me have to ride on the Metro system instead. There are advantages to taking the MARC, but one main disadvantage in that the last train to my neck of the woods leaves Union Station at 7:25pm -- doesn't exactly work for the development professional who has to attend after-hours work events. Either way, today was a nice reprieve from the more crowded Red Line on the Metro and the only bad part was I forgot the fun red umbrella that says "Keep Dry and Carry On" that I bought in London on my honeymoon in the seat, where I had been sitting on the way home this evening. Le sigh. 

Anyway, here's to anyone who'll read this and give me a shot. I'll try to keep posts from being too long or too boring and I'll vary them up from time to time - fun pictures! maybe some cute dog photos or baking recipes too. Either way, please enjoy and know that I'm not behind the wheel each day, raising my blood pressure and most likely yelling at people in cars on I-270

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