Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Holding Court

So, I've realized there are people who ride the train who like the center of attention (even in the morning, grr) and almost "hold court" on a regular basis. Today I came up with this concept and now I shall aptly call them "Judges". They are usually loud and boisterous personalities. Sometimes they are nice. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes they have fun conversations I want to join in on -- wahoo, TV and movies! 

Many times what they are speaking of is really dumb and I want to correct them. Often times, since we live and work in and around our Nation's Capital, it is political conversation (which I will NOT let this blog become), but I find it funny -- both ironically and "haha" -- they are usually conservatively waxing about being taxed too much, yet here they are riding a relatively inexpensive form of public transit. Hmmm.

Anyway, these are interesting people to behold and I'm sure I'll have more specifics, but from here on out, they shall be referred to as the Judges. ::Gavel slam::

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